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So far Natalie Rodgers has created 41 blog entries.

Beyond Foundations: Eco-friendly Projects That Benefit from ICFs

Building houses with insulated concrete forms is becoming increasingly popular, as demand for eco-friendly materials rises. Contractors are also realizing the many benefits of ICFs, which are faster to install and take up less space on the jobsite than wood, driving down the cost of labor and other expenses. But did you know that ICFs can also be used for much more than home foundations? The highly versatile material can be custom cut to the shape or radius you specify, making it ideal for a variety of residential, commercial, and industrial projects. Click here are just a few of the many innovative examples.

By |2022-12-06T14:03:57-06:00November 16, 2022|Featured|

What to Expect From an ICF Training Course

To remain competitive, contractors and builders need to keep up with the latest design trends, including sustainability and energy efficiency. At the same time, they have to make sure costs remain low, especially when it comes to labor and materials. One material that’s increasingly gaining popularity is Insulated Concrete Forms, also known as ICFs. An affordable and energy-efficient alternative to traditional wood framing, ICFs can save time and money throughout the construction process. To help construction professionals offer this innovative product to their clients, Nudura has developed an ICF training course. Available both in-person and online, our course will teach you everything you need to know about building with ICFs, including the benefits and how to install Nudura ICF forms. Read more here:

By |2022-11-02T09:58:31-05:00November 9, 2022|Featured, Training|

Winter construction possible with ICFs

For any build team, the winter months and cold climates pose additional challenges, such as excess moisture, difficult working conditions, and frozen building materials. When constructing above grade structural walls, there are added factors to consider in creating a weather-tight building envelope. Wood-frame construction, for example, may required more time to clear snow and ice, slowing the building process. Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) can lessen these cold-weather challenges and ultimately speed your construction timeline. Read the full blog here:

By |2022-11-02T09:55:31-05:00November 3, 2022|Design, Featured|

ICF Construction: An Introductory Guide to ICFs for Designers and Architects

For architects who need to design energy-efficient structures without changing their typical design processes, insulated concrete forms (ICFs) offer the ideal combination of insulating power, design and aesthetic versatility, and ease of installation. An insulated concrete form is comprised of two layers of EPS filled with concrete and supported with rebar, and it is used for foundations and structural walls. These forms provide thick, continuously insulated walls that come with many additional benefits. ICFs help architects, designers and contractors stay on schedule, build durable, beautiful projects and meet or exceed increasingly strict energy codes for insulation. Constructing with ICFs reduces the building’s carbon footprint and saves money on energy bills and reduced maintenance and repairs when compared to traditional building methods, such as wood frame construction. According to ICF studies, ICF construction generated up to 60% energy savings and provided 58% better effective R-Value/RSI. Plus, you can build year-round with ICFs, even in below-freezing temperatures, so you never have to slow operations. With traditional wood framing, you have to constantly clear the materials, such as the subfloor and bottom wall plate locations, of any snow or ice before you can start working for the day. There’s also a constant threat of moisture [...]

By |2022-04-20T07:59:50-05:00June 14, 2022|Design, Featured|
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